Cholestasis remedy from Nat Dash, Australia (O.C. = obstetric cholestasis)
Source: My good friend and great midwife Lisa.

Dear Gloria, I use Nat Dash’s info. here it is.
Drink minimum 2 litres of purified water daily. THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT!! (2 glasses of warm water with fresh lemon juice, 1st thing in the morning)
I can’t recommend fresh juice enough; I feel they made a huge difference to my health. I chose to use fresh organic fruit & vegetables because of the toxins on the sprayed produce. Washing them in cider vinegar helps to reduce pesticides too though. Large apple, carrot, beetroot, celery & parsley, 3 times a day, 20 mins before a meal. Great for flushing out those toxins!!!
Pineapple & parsley is great for keeping up iron levels.
Porridge/oats made with water or rice milk – great for lowering rising cholesterol, which generally happens with O.C
Raw mushrooms also helped me a lot. I ate about a kilo a day. Later I found out that mushrooms are also beneficial to the liver.
Take all fats out of the diet. None or limited dairy products & meat. These are oestrogen forming… one of the contributing factors involved in Cholestasis is over production of oestrogen.
Deep sea ocean fish would be the best alternative & full of omega 3. If vegetarian, Flaxseed oil is fantastic & great for the skin.
Herbs made up by a qualified naturopath, as listed in article – psyllium husks, dandelion, slippery elm, globe artichoke, milk thistle etc.
Guar Gum is a natural gel-forming fibre & has been very successful in aiding women with this condition by increasing faecal elimination of bile acids. Tablet or powder form should be available from health food store or natural health professional.
Metamucil also helps to bind the bile.
Acupuncture was used throughout my pregnancy to assist with good liver function & for preparation & assistance with natural induction. Acupuncturist needs to be competent working with pregnant women & liver conditions.
Relaxation – Yoga, meditation, stretching, deep breathing, Reiki can all be helpful for both mind & body. Good preparation for labour also!!

Some women find it difficult to retain vitamin K with this condition (vit k is necessary for blood to clot).
Here are some suggestions to minimise bleeding/ Postpartum Haemorrhage (PPH):
Have blood tests to check haemoglobin at 36 weeks; use natural means to help avoid anaemia or supplement – floradix, Spatone etc
Take a good quality multi vitamin for pregnancy
Take alfalfa, 4 – 8 tablets per day, any brand. Alfalfa contains every vitamin & mineral, as it’s roots go extremely deep into the soil – it is an excellent source of vit k

This has worked in my experience.
