“Leaders in Boys Protection” Project
A training program to unleash leaders in the worldwide push to eliminate male genital mutilation.
Start Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Course Completion Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Time: 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. (Pacific Standard)
This 10-week online training will be headed by Gloria Lemay, a midwifery educator, member of Nurses for the Rights of the Child, and Advisory Board member of Intact America. Gloria has led online courses for midwives and doulas for over 12 years. She is a passionate advocate for baby boys and their right to bodily integrity. She is active on social media as a spokesperson for the “intactivist” movement.
Who should be in this training?: If you have a desire to make a difference in child protection you are welcome to join this online training. You must be able to make a commitment to attend all 10 classes on Zoom once the course begins. If you have been stopped by societal pressure, embarrassment, sadness, anger, overwhelm, or other barriers to expressing your commitment to ending MGM, this will be a safe space to free yourself up and get in action again.
Bonus feature: We will have some special guest presenters who have had years of “on the ground” experience in advocating for baby boys.
What is the cost? There is no charge for the training.
What must I do to participate? Each participant will be asked to create a project of their own that will unleash their contribution to ending male genital mutilation. There will be homework in the course that will be posted on Google Classroom. At some point in the 10-week training, each participant will have an opportunity to present a talk on some aspect of their experience with speaking up for baby boys.
Intended Outcome of the Project
To unleash the expression of people in the intactivist movement at all levels of experience.
Expect unexpected results from coming together with other intactivists to inspire, collaborate and embrace the leadership in all of us!
Please contact me for more information on this project. waterbirthinwoman@gmail.com
Time of class: 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time
I would like to learn more & be a better Vegan IntActivist. I would like to join your course. I helped to Crowd fund “An American Circumcision” and am active online against all child genital cutting. I live off grid in Wales, UK & sometimes struggle to get sufficient power & good internet reception, but could organise to go & stay at my mums, (with mains & wifi) when I know the times & dates of the 10 sessions.
Thank you.
annmarievans@live.com 07534369592
Thanks for writing and for your work for baby boys, Ann-Marie. I’ve sent you some material via email to see if the course is right for you with the time difference.
World Clock: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/personal.html