Memorial Service for Marsden Wagner

What: Memorial service for Marsden Wagner
When: Saturday, May 24th, 2014 at 1330 hrs., or 1:30 p.m.
Where: Harmony Grove Church at Lockeford Cemetery, just outside Lockeford, California ( see link to Google maps )
Who is invited: everyone,+CA,+United+States&hl=en&ll=38.176469,-121.15448&spn=0.041765,0.077162&sll=55.869147,11.228027&sspn=3.816204,9.876709&oq=lockeford,+ca&hnear=Lockeford,+San+Joaquin+County,+California,+United+States&t=m&z=14

From Dana, Marsden’s son:

“Because my father was a very informal person, the memorial will be intimate and informal also, and everyone is invited to get up and say a few words, or tell an anecdote about my Dad….we will read some words sent in by those who cul not make it …..afterward, we can walk into the beautiful historic cemetery and hold a short ceremony by his gravestone, which will be in place, and his ashes interred by then… There is lodging nearby, and some of us may go into Lockeford for coffee later, we’ll play it by ear… Please, everyone, family included, I haven’t got that many email addresses, so could you all contact everyone you know and forward this message, please? Put it on Facebook and everyone’s invited…. I, Dana, can be contacted 24/7 here in California at 805 886-8277, I can possibly help with lodging…. Lastly, anyone possessing photos or other memorabilia about Mardy, please bring it with you, or send it to me at: 17 Ocean Front Ln. Cayucos, CA 93430 USA There will be things to look at, perhaps some of his favorite music too, and the church was built in 1860, so come one, come all, let us celebrate this special man in a special setting, the Wagner/Hansen family graveyard. Love, Dana”

Marsden Wagner and his son, Dana

Marsden Wagner and his son, Dana

One thought on “Memorial Service for Marsden Wagner

  1. Dearest Marsden you showed us a life well lived and a light that shone in the darkest places and brought love and inspiration. We are all the better for having being touched by your existence and will continue to carry the torch of truth that says birth is a sacred process and we are all destined to do it well. Your birth unto eternal life enables us to draw on your essence as we continue here. Thank you.

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