7 thoughts on ““I have a son!” Video

  1. +,
    dear gloria,
    we thank you very much for sharing this video!
    it reminds u the last ubac we had in 2011 :).

    it is now 5:54 am in indonesia and all of us are watching the video together, we are smiling remembering the moment when our boys were delighted to know they eventually had a baby girl sibling :).

    terima kasih banyak!

    salam dan doa,
    dc gloria dan keluarga+

    (thank you very much, love and prayers, dc gloria and family).
    my best regards and congrats for the couple, the baby boy and their happy daughters!

  2. One of my favorite parts in this video was when the youngest girl turned to her older sister and hugged her. It looked like her mother’s emotion overwhelmed her and she also needed to physically share the love she felt in the room! Beautiful 🙂

  3. Very awesome. So drastically different from the Hollywood version of birth we’re so familiar with. I hope mine’s just as calm and peaceful. 🙂 Beautifully done!

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