One film clip is worth a thousand words. This young mother from Adelaide, Australia says it all.
7 thoughts on “Home Birth After Cesarean”
That is awesome. Have you posted before, or could you write some about HBAC? My husband and I seriously consider a homebirth for our second child (not pregnant yet) and I had an unnecessarean. We’re in a new town (Seattle) and do seem to have an excellent hospital option, but when it comes down to it, the environment at home is what I want. Yet I wonder, if I have a great hospital option, why not go there. Can you talk some about what to consider whn choosing an HBAC for a woman with a low risk pregnancy (other than having uterine scar which does have some risk but not great risk)?
Thanks for your comment, Alicia. If you look at the directory on my side bar on the right, you’ll see a classification VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) that’s where you’ll find good information. HBAC stands for Home Birth After Cesarean. Gloria
When she stood back to show us the pictures, one after her cesarean and one after her homebirth….the tears came. It just moves me so much and reminds me of my two cesareans compared with my beautiful, empowering homebirth. Fight for your right to birth at home!
Bit of a surprise to see myself here! I love that my beautiful midwife, Lisa, is in the background (wearing a blue shawl) as I’m talking. If anyone’s interested in my HBAC birth story & better shots of those now infamous photo’s go here
That is awesome. Have you posted before, or could you write some about HBAC? My husband and I seriously consider a homebirth for our second child (not pregnant yet) and I had an unnecessarean. We’re in a new town (Seattle) and do seem to have an excellent hospital option, but when it comes down to it, the environment at home is what I want. Yet I wonder, if I have a great hospital option, why not go there. Can you talk some about what to consider whn choosing an HBAC for a woman with a low risk pregnancy (other than having uterine scar which does have some risk but not great risk)?
Thanks for your comment, Alicia. If you look at the directory on my side bar on the right, you’ll see a classification VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) that’s where you’ll find good information. HBAC stands for Home Birth After Cesarean. Gloria
heather, lisa, kat and I are in the background!! Ha! This is a great story as shown on lisa’s blog.
When she stood back to show us the pictures, one after her cesarean and one after her homebirth….the tears came. It just moves me so much and reminds me of my two cesareans compared with my beautiful, empowering homebirth. Fight for your right to birth at home!
Oh a heap of my friends, right there. *lol* Thanks Glo, for sharing this. We are really struggling down here atm.
Bit of a surprise to see myself here! I love that my beautiful midwife, Lisa, is in the background (wearing a blue shawl) as I’m talking. If anyone’s interested in my HBAC birth story & better shots of those now infamous photo’s go here
Thanks Gloria. We will keep fighting!