Hello world!

Welcome to my blog.  I’ll be posting all that’s new about natural birth, breastfeeding and other womanly matters.  Be sure to bookmark this blog and check back in every few days.  Gloria

4 thoughts on “Hello world!

  1. WAHOOOOOOO! I am SO GLAD to see you blogging! And hurrah to your webdude… the design is fabulous! Make sure you start using tags and categories on your posts, m’kay?

  2. Hi Gloria!!
    I just love you and really appreciate all that you do…
    This venue is just one more way to share the Blossoming Rose to all who Visit!!
    Chat later,

  3. Ah, for so long I have hoped we would be able to see into that fabulous mind and heart, so that our treasure, Gloria Lemay, could be shared around the world. Gloria, I have always been inspired by your work and the very element of your being. It is truly an honor to know you, Gloria Lemay. I remember clearly when I asked you if you were concerned about going to jail you said, “Well, there are babies in there too.” Just so mater of fact. It helped me to know that you would be ok through all of that. You truly are an amazing woman. Due to your inspiration we are setting up funding to create a Pregnancy & Childbirth Prison Support program in our city. With the first teeny, tiny step we were able to get books into the prison that are helping young women feel informed and confident about birth and baby. From there, some will go into the loving arms of the newly started Young Mom Doula Support program, where they can be paired with an experienced doula and a doula-in-training. The abundance of love, bonding and attachment with the first moms and babies in this program are incredible to see. It is so amazing to see how these moms relate to their babies. These young moms from the program are connected, attentive and loving. Confident as well. Just wanted to say thank you Gloria for all you do in this world. We are blessed to have you on this planet. Best wishes and blessings to you, Gail J. Dahl, “Pregnancy & Childbirth Secrets”

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