Footling Breech Vaginal Birth in Hospital

Now that the misinformation in the Term Breech Trial has been exposed for what it is, junk, more physicians around the world are getting down on the hospital floor and catching breech babies for women who are in upright positions and unmedicated.

7 thoughts on “Footling Breech Vaginal Birth in Hospital

  1. Beautiful! The only thing that bothers me is why doesn´t the mother get the baby in her arms? Why does the doctor just keep it in his?

  2. Good illustration of all fours breech birth mechanisms. The cord round the neck may well have been why baby was breech presenting. Shame that the doctor couldn’t keep his hands off, as it looked as if the baby would have birthed without help. Although his touch was very gentle, why didn’t he pass the baby straight to his mother? Breech babies can be birthed by the mother if a practitioner sits on his hands and only helps if needed. Much more empowering for a woman to give birth than to have been delivered. X

  3. Pingback: Footling Breech – Gloria Lemay | Ripple Effect Yoga

  4. Just wondering what should of been done about the head, it really exploded out of her. Gloria would you be tempted to slow that part down?

  5. Pingback: Breech Birth Resources — Birth Takes a Village

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