Female Pelvis: designed for giving birth

I’ve put together, in this brief video, all the empowering ideas that have helped me to trust women’s pelvis capability. Enjoy! Gloria

15 thoughts on “Female Pelvis: designed for giving birth

  1. thanks gloria. I think I myself have one of the “pony” pelvises. when people talk about too small pelvises I like to tell them about my friend who gave birth last year to an 11 lb 2 oz son through her pelvis that used to fit in size 0 jeans before she had babies. not only that but she gave birth lying on her back! imagine what she could do if she was free.

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  3. I have a question about this…I have a friend who just labored for 55 hours which ended in a c-section. She labored for a day naturally (took hypnobirthing, seemed totally prepared for natural birth) then a day with pitocin and an epidural, then pushed for several hours but baby was supposedly getting stuck behind her pubic bone (or pubic joint as you clarified). If pelvises are designed for giving birth and there isn’t really such a thing as too-small pelvis, what causes that to happen? I know you might not be able to answer the question since you don’t know the specific situation…but in your experience, have you seen this happen and why? Thanks!

    • I would say that the optimal opportunity for pelvic opening was shut down as son as pitocin was administered. I am sure the pit was given in a situation that included less movement. Also, a body given pit is being forced into a situation where the body is pushed past being physiologically ready to giv birth. Hence, not enough time for your client’s ideal window to open pelvis on its own. Remember, everyone’s time is different. 12-15 hours is really a medical termed norm, where actually women can be in early labor in small increments for days even a wekk or more before birth. Just a thought to consider, based on the info provided.

    • Getting stuck on the pelvic bone, or more appropriately, pelvic joint, is a positioning problem rather than a size problem. The pitocin causes unnatural contraction which can push the baby down before it’s ready and properly positioned. Also, babies can get unstuck by maneuvering the mother, which can be difficult or impossible with an epidural. I’m not judging her for having an epidural or letting them give her pitocin, I’ve never been in labor for 24 hours and I know every labor is different. I’m just saying these things can cause or exasperate the problem.
      OB’s are surgeons with busy practices. They have to be knowledgeable on a huge range of conditions and diseases. Most don’t spend a lot of time with women in labor. They come in and check on them every now and then, then walk in for the big event. Most of their patients have epidurals, and most hospitals give pitocin to the majority of moms in labor (in the US). They do not have time to go to conferences every year on natural child birth. They don’t learn the things midwives learn about how to get a baby unstuck, or how to safely deliver vaginally a breech baby. Experienced midwives, especially ones who deliver outside the hospital setting, have much more experience with this and can often deliver (safely), babies that would automatically be c-section babies with most OB’s.
      I hope this helps.

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  5. Hi, as a HypnoBirthing Practitioner, and Birth Doula, I would say that this lady had some unresolved fear which created Fear Tension Pain and a Failure To Progress (FTP). This then lead into The Cascade of Interventions. It is so important for a woman to work thru her fears during pregnancy and to clear herself of these, so that her labour can unfold naturally.

    • I don’t know what happened in this case. My own experience has been that many women do things to get their birth going. This can range from a 4 hour brisk hike, to acupuncture, to eating spicy food, etc etc etc. When the body isn’t ready to give birth, all these things do is just drag out a pretend birth process.

      Another big pitfall, wasting the early period of the birth process by staying awake, chatting, texting, and socializing. In modern times, we don’t seem to have the older, wiser women to tell the younger women to “chill out” and ignore the early phase. When the woman stays up all night in early birthing, she basically works a graveyard shift. Then, her circadian rhythms are thrown off. No other mammal does this. Electric lights are no friend to a birthing woman. So, I don’t think it’s the pelvis when a baby can’t be born, I look to the powers i.e. the strength of the uterus. There are things that the woman can do to get the birth off to a good start beginning with waiting till the baby is really ready.

  6. Pingback: Female Pelvis – designed for giving birth – Gloria Lemay | Ripple Effect Yoga

  7. My first baby sat high – never engaged at all. Thankfully I had chosen a good midwife as my primary carer – with a very lovely natural birth oriented obstetrician as the on-paper backup person. Both had no problem with the “high floating head” at term. Went into natural labour at 41 weeks, gave birth with no problems, no interventions needed, no medication needed, to my healthy 9lb 7oz baby – and afterwards they commented that yep, I just had a really big pelvis. With my next three I just knew none would engage – and they didn’t until labour started. I know other caregivers would have had a completely different attitude.

  8. is this illustration not of a male pelvis ? note narrow pubic arch.
    sacrum is not a flat bone. it has a curve, creating ‘the sacral bay’ which is roomy and accommodating.

    • Thanks, Wendy. I may have been seduced by the pretty pastel colors in this illustration and looked no further. I also, am just repeating what I read somewhere about the “flat, shell-like” description of the sacrum and I like your description much better. I’ve never heard that term “sacral bay” used but I love the image it creates so am stealing it. After all these years, you are still teaching me.

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