7 Step Recipe for scrambling the brain of a baby

1. Allow ultrasound technicians to “date” your pregnancy, see if you have twins, check the growth of your baby. Even one ultrasound affects your baby’s brain. Multiple ultrasounds will move cells in the brain around and also affect future generations of your family.

2. Eat whatever you like in pregnancy. Don’t take the time and trouble to study the effects of over-processed, high fat diets. Don’t worry about buying organic produce and meat.

3. Let your physician induce you. Induction drugs over-ride Nature’s pace of the birth process. They cause prolonged periods of oxygen deprivation similar to holding a pillow over your child’s face. Any form of hurrying you into the birth process or, once into it, hurrying the process faster than it goes naturally will damage cells in the baby’s brain.

4. Take pain-killing drugs during your child’s birth. Every anesthetic goes immediately to the baby so choose whatever one you like. The longer the baby is medicated, the more brain damage is done.

5. Continue on with the interventions in birth by having a cesarean, forceps or vacuum pull out of your baby. None of these procedures are gentle. All involve incredible traction on the baby’s neck and head. Sometimes all three are used on the same baby. Risks of all 3 are increased when inductions and epidurals were brought into the birth.

6. Once your baby is born, feed him/her solutions made by pharma giants like Mead Johnson.

7. Be sure to inject your baby with every toxic pharmaceutical vaccine that your doctor recommends. Don’t do any research. 36 vaccines is the modern North American child’s recommended allotment of mercury preserved toxic waste.

For more information on childhood autism go to Non Toxic Childhood.

Raine Study on the importance of Breastfeeding for mental development.

Update, June 7, 2011
J Atten Disord. 2011 Jul;15(5):423-31. Epub 2011 Apr 28.
Perinatal pitocin as an early ADHD biomarker: neurodevelopmental risk?
Kurth L, Haussmann R.

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA. Lisa.Kurth@ColoState.edu.

Objective: To investigate a potential relationship between coincidental increases in perinatal Pitocin usage and subsequent childhood ADHD onset in an attempt to isolate a specific risk factor as an early biomarker of this neurodevelopmental disorder. Method: Maternal labor/delivery and corresponding childbirth records of 172 regionally diverse, heterogeneous children, ages 3 to 25, were examined with respect to 21 potential predictors of later ADHD onset, including 17 selected obstetric complications, familial ADHD incidence, and gender. ADHD diagnosis and history of perinatal Pitocin exposure distinguished groups for comparison. Results: Results revealed a strong predictive relationship between perinatal Pitocin exposure and subsequent childhood ADHD onset (occurring in 67.1% of perinatal Pitocin cases vs. 35.6% in nonexposure cases, χ(2) = 16.99, p < .001). Fetal exposure time, gestation length, and labor length also demonstrated predictive power, albeit significantly lower. Conclusion: The findings warrant further investigation into the potential link between perinatal Pitocin exposure and subsequent ADHD diagnosis. PMID: 21527574 [PubMed - in process] ___________________________________________ Update:
Med Hypotheses. 2010 Jul;75(1):53-8. Epub 2010 Feb 9.
Potential teratogenic effects of ultrasound on corticogenesis: implications for autism.
Williams EL, Casanova MF.

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA.

The phenotypic expression of autism, according to the Triple Hit Hypothesis, is determined by three factors: a developmental time window of vulnerability, genetic susceptibility, and environmental stressors. In utero exposure to thalidomide, valproic acid, and maternal infections are examples of some of the teratogenic agents which increase the risk of developing autism and define a time window of vulnerability. An additional stressor to genetically susceptible individuals during this time window of vulnerability may be prenatal ultrasound. Ultrasound enhances the genesis and differentiation of progenitor cells by activating the nitric oxide (NO) pathway and related neurotrophins. The effects of this pathway activation, however, are determined by the stage of development of the target cells, local concentrations of NO, and the position of nuclei (basal versus apical), causing consequent proliferation at some stages while driving differentiation and migration at others. Ill-timed activation or overactivation of this pathway by ultrasound may extend proliferation, increasing total cell number, and/or may trigger precipitous migration, causing maldistribution of neurons amongst cortical lamina, ganglia, white matter, and germinal zones. The rising rates of autism coincident with the increased use of ultrasound in obstetrics and its teratogenic/toxic effects on the CNS demand further research regarding a putative correlation.

Copyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Publication Types, MeSH Terms, Substances, Grant Support
LinkOut – more resources Source http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20149552

Update May 2013 http://www.acog.org/About%20ACOG/News%20Room/News%20Releases/2013/Study%20Finds%20Adverse%20Effects%20of%20Pitocin%20in%20Newborns.aspx Adverse Effects of Pitocin in Newborns

Update: August 2013 Results Compared with children born to mothers who received neither labor induction nor augmentation, children born to mothers who were induced and augmented, induced only, or augmented only experienced increased odds of autism after controlling for potential confounders related to socioeconomic status, maternal health, pregnancy-related events and conditions, and birth year. The observed associations between labor induction/augmentation were particularly pronounced in male children.

Conclusions and Relevance Our work suggests that induction/augmentation during childbirth is associated with increased odds of autism diagnosis in childhood. While these results are interesting, further investigation is needed to differentiate among potential explanations of the association including underlying pregnancy conditions requiring the eventual need to induce/augment, the events of labor and delivery associated with induction/augmentation, and the specific treatments and dosing used to induce/augment labor (eg, exogenous oxytocin and prostaglandins).
Source: http://archpedi.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1725449 or read an article about the study at

Update August 2013 on ultrasound http://www.thedailybeast.com/witw/articles/2013/04/29/are-ultrasounds-causing-autism-in-unborn-babies.html

Quote from the article:

“Manuel Casanova, a neurologist who holds an endowed chair at the University of Louisville in Kentucky, is one medical doctor who is listening. Casanova contends that Rakic’s mice research helps confirm a disturbing hypothesis that he and his colleagues have been testing for the last three years: that ultrasound exposure is the main environmental factor contributing to the exponential rise in autism.”

Article by Jennifer Margulis

Update October 2013 A Mother Shares About her mistakes http://thinkingmomsrevolution.com/how-i-gave-my-son-autism/

Update January 2014: “Children born to mothers who were either induced, augmented, or both had increased odds of having autism. Further research should target the agents used during induction/augmentation and acute medical and obstetric events during labor. The results do not suggest altering the standards of care for induction or augmentation but do indicate that additional research is warranted.”

Gregory SG, Anthopolos R, Osgood CE et al (2014). Association of Autism With Induced or Augmented Childbirth in North Carolina Birth Record (1990–1998) and Education Research (1997–2007) Databases. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey 69(1):7-9. doi: 10.1097/01.ogx.0000442814.50107.fa

Update Aug 30, 2014 http://tacanowblog.com/2014/08/29/cdc-vaccine-autism-research-explosive-new-statement-from-a-lead-researcher/
CDC Fraud: Hid Data that showed a three fold increase in autism for African American boys vaccinated with MMR under the age of 3. Quote: “ The research did initially show an increased risk of autism in African-American boys. Dr. Thompson has shared this statement: “I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information.” “

68 thoughts on “7 Step Recipe for scrambling the brain of a baby

  1. Don’t forget that bathing the newborn in a toxic chemical mixture designed to *gently cleanse* will also contribute to that newborn’s chemical body burden through skin absorption. This may also contribute to autism and other permanent, and now common, childhood disorders.

  2. Don’t forget: Allow your health care provider to clamp your baby’s umbilical cord as soon as he is delivered. Make sure that your baby is dried, weighed, measured, thoroughly inspected, and injected with vitamin K immediately after birth. Have this done before holding the baby.

  3. you are posting dangerous misinformation that will worry vulnerable women and cause guilt in the lives of those with autisitc children based on no evidence at all. these people have problems enough without you smugly posting nonsense like this. you should be ashamed of yourself.

    • Women need information to make good choices for themselves. Some of the information is not easy to take but it is information that has been researched. Of the 7 things listed above I can check off 4 and guess what my son has autism. For my 2nd child I did none of the above and my child doesn’t have autism. Small sample size for sure but for me it’s telling. Am I sad about my oldest, yes of course. Do I feel guilty, absolutely not because I didn’t know and no one told me – especially not the doctors!!!! We do better when we know better and we can only know better if information is freely available!

  4. “dangerous”, “smug”, and shaming—the kind of accusations that usually silence women. Not this one. Thanks for expressing yourself, Isabel (and others who basically said the same thing). I put your comment up so that my readers can see the backlash that means you’ve hit the mark with someone.

  5. 1. Ann Oakley, “The History of Ultrasonography in Obstetrics,” Birth 13, no. 1 (1986): 8-13.

    2. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, “Routine Ultrasound in Low-Risk Pregnancy, ACOG Practice Patterns: Evidence-Based Guidelines for Clinical Issues,” Obstetrics and Gynecology 5 (August 1997).

    3. O. Olsen et al., “Routine Ultrasound Dating Has Not Been Shown to Be More Accurate Than the Calendar Method,” Br J Obstet Gynaecol 104, no. 11 (1997): 1221-1222.

    4. H. Kieler, O. Axelsson, S. Nilsson, and U. Waldenstrom, “Comparison of Ultrasonic Measurement of Biparietal Diameter and Last Menstrual Period as a Predictor of Day of Delivery in Women with Regular 28-Day Cycles,” Acta-Obstet-Gynecol-Scand 75, no. 5 (1993): 347-349.

    5. B. G. Ewigman, J. P. Crane, F. D. Frigoletto et al., “Effect of Prenatal Ultrasound Screening on Perinatal Outcome,” N Engl J Med 329, no. 12 (1993): 821-827.

    6. C. A. Luck, “Value of Routine Ultrasound Scanning at 19 Weeks: A Four Year Study of 8849 Deliveries,” British Medical Journal 34, no. 6840 (1992): 1474-1478.

    7. F. Y. Chan, “Limitations of Ultrasound,” paper presented at Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand 1st Annual Congress, Freemantle, 1997.

    8. AIMS UK, “Ultrasound Unsound?,” AIMS UK Journal 5, no. 1 (Spring 1993).

    9. I. R. Brand, P. Kaminopetros, M. Cave et al., “Specificity of Antenatal Ultrasound in the Yorkshire Region: A Prospective Study of 2261 Ultrasound Detected Anomalies,” Br J Obstet Gynaecal 101, no. 5 (1994): 392-397.

    10. J. W. Sparling, J. W. Seeds, and D. C. Farran, “The Relationship of Obstetric Ultrasound to Parent and Infant Behavior,” Obstet Gynecol 72, no. 6 (1988): 902-907.

    11. A. Brookes, “Women’s Experience of Routine Prenatal Ultrasound,” Healthsharing Women: The Newsletter of Healthsharing Women’s Health Resource Service (Melbourne, Australia) 5, no.s 3, 4 (December 1994-March 1995).

    12. MIDIRS, Informed Choice for Professionals, Ultrasound Screening in the First Half of Pregnancy: Is It Useful for Everyone? (UK: MIDIRS and the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, 1996).

    13. A. Saari-Kemppainen, O. Karjalainen, P. Ylostalo et al., “Ultrasound Screening and Perinatal Mortality: Controlled Trial of Systematic One-stage Screening in Pregnancy,” The Lancet 336, no. 8712 (1990): 387-391.

    14. D. Watkins, “An Alternative to Termination of Pregnancy,” The Practitioner 233, no. 1472 (1989): 990, 992.

    15. “American Institute of Ultrasound Medicine Bioeffects Report 1988,” J Ultrasound Med 7 (September 1988): S1-S38.

    16. D. Liebeskind, R. Bases, F. Elequin et al., “Diagnostic Ultrasound: Effects on the DNA and Growth Patterns of Animal Cells,” Radiology 131, no. 1 (1979): 177-184.

    17. M. H. Ellisman, D. E. Palmer, and M. P. Andre, “Diagnostic Levels of Ultrasound May Disrupt Myelination,” Experimental Neurology 98, no. 1 (1987): 78-92.

    18. Brennan et al., “Shadow of Doubt,” New Scientist 12 (June 1999): 23.

    19. J. Testart, A. Thebalt, E. Souderis, and R. Frydman, “Premature Ovulation after Ovarian Ultrasonography,” Br J Obstet Gynaecol 89, no. 9 (1982): 694-700.

    20. R. P. Lorenz, C. H. Comstock, S. F. Bottoms, and S. R. Marx, “Randomised Prospective Trial Comparing Ultrasonography and Pelvic Examination for Preterm Labor Surveillance,” Am J Obstet Gynecol 162, no. 6 (1990): 1603-1610.

    21. J. Newnham, S. F. Evans, C. A. Michael et al., “Effects of Frequent Ultrasound During Pregnancy: A Randomised Controlled Trial,” The Lancet 342, no. 8876 (1993): 887-891.

    22. S. B. Thacker, “The Case of Imaging Ultrasound in Obstetrics: A Review,” Br J Obstet Gynaecol 92, no. 5 (1985): 437-444.

    23. J. P. Newnham et al., “Doppler Flow Velocity Wave Form Analysis in High Risk Pregnancies: A Randomised Controlled Trial,” Br J Obstet Gynaecol 98, no. 10 (1991): 956-963.

    24. C. R. Stark, M. Orleans, A. D. Havercamp et al., “Short and Long Term Risks after Exposure to Diagnostic Ultrasound in Utero,” Obstet Gynecol 63 (1984): 194-200.

    25. J. D. Campbell et al., “Case-control Study of Prenatal Ultrasonography in Children with Delayed Speech,” Can Med Ass J 149, no. 10 (1993): 1435- 1440.

    26. K. A. Salvesen, L. J. Vatten, S. H. Eik-nes et al., “Routine Ultrasonography in Utero and Subsequent Handedness and Neurological Development,” British Medical Journal 307, no. 6897 (1993) 159-164.

    27. H. Kieler, O. Axelsson, B. Haguland et al., “Routine Ultrasound Screening in Pregnancy and the Children’s Subsequent Handedness,” Early Human Development 50, no. 2 (1998): 233-245.

    28. K. A. Salvesen, L. S. Bakketeig, S. H. Eik-nes et al., “Routine Ultrasonography in Utero and School Performance at Age 8-9 Years,” The Lancet 339, no. 8785 (1992):85-89.

    29. H. Kieler, G. Ahlsten, B. Haguland et al., “Routine Ultrasound Screening in Pregnancy and the Children’s Subsequent Neurological Development,” Obstet Gynecol 91, no. 5 (1998): 750-756.

    30. H. B. Meire, “The Safety of Diagnostic Ultrasound,” Br J Obstet Gynaecol 94 (1987): 1121-1122.

    31. K. J. W. Taylor, “A Prudent Approach to Ultrasound Imaging of the Fetus and Newborn,” Birth 17, no. 4 (1990): 218-223.

    32. https://www.asrt.org/content/News/IndustryNewsBriefs/Sono/studyshows062408.aspx

    Study Shows Potential Dangers of Ultrasound in Fetal Development
    Aug. 24, 2006

    exerpt end of exerpt

  6. The quote above is from the reporter’s summary, not the article itself.

    If I may fire back another quote from the same source:

    Dr. Rakic emphasized that the study does not mean that ultrasound use on human fetuses for appropriate diagnostic and medical purposes should be abandoned.

    “On the contrary: ultrasound has been shown to be very beneficial in the medical context,” he said.

    • in the medical context – ie if something is possibly medically wrong! Not on every, single normally progressing pregnant woman! I don’t get a routine CT scan, I get one when it is medically necessary/indicated

  7. I see where people are coming from with concerns that this might be putting guilt and shame on mothers of autistic children. I have my suspicions about some things that might cause or contribute to autism, but nobody really knows why it happens and it’s possibly unfair to state as fact that these seven things are a recipe for autism.

    it sort of brings back the days when autism was thought to be caused by “refrigerator mothers”. it’s always the mother’s fault! faulty mothers! kwim?

    anyway, the things on that list are undoubtedly harmful in countless ways to babies as well as their mothers (except you’re aware I have reservations about the anti-vax movement), and are to be avoided. but there are people who have dedicated their entire career to finding out what causes autism, and even they pretty much have no idea. they have lots of guesses and theories, but it’s very hard to prove any of them or even test them. true?

    it’s not possible to do a randomized controlled study of everything that could possibly affect a developing brain! obviously not everything has to be scientifically proven that way, but in this case I dont think our speculation can be the basis for blaming anything/anyone for hurting these children.

  8. “It’s always the mothers fault”. I have often gotten so annoyed by other studies that ‘blame’ the mother. But – this is where I have been left with my annoyance. If the mother isn’t responsible for her pregnancy, who is? The father? Her primary caregiver? (midwife, doctor) her family? her community?

    I realised in the end, that I like being in charge adn you call me a control freak if you will but when I’m pregnant I’m responsible for what I put in my mouth and who (or what) comes near my belly and vagina.

    I like that list. It’s a start and the title is a good way to really make a point. Stay away from technology and drugs, eat well and grow a healthy baby. My kind of list.

  9. the mother is certainly responsible for the health of her child and making the best effort to put only good things in her body during pregnancy and the birth. I agree that it’s really stupid to assume that it’s fine to eat fast food through your pregnancy and have limitless interventions in your birth, decide not to breastfeed and then expect a perfectly healthy child.

    to me that doesnt mean it’s also the mother’s responsibility if the child she loves gets a disorder that may or may not have been caused by her actions. you just cant say that autism is the mother’s fault. it’s unknown.

    Im pretty sure you could find some moms out there who have made a good effort to keep their baby healthy, and still their child is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder.

  10. Thanks for this and your interesting web page. Unfortunately most people by some reason get offended by something like this. I´m pregnant and very much into looking at alternatives in birth and child rearing but sense that all that is provoking to people. It´s amazing how narrow minded people are and so totally into buying everything the authorities say. I feel like I have to keep to myself my plans of for example home-birth and not getting so many vaccines.

  11. Sylvia’s post is a good reminder that one should indeed be skeptical about sources of information – even the authorities. A single authority can be untrustworthy – Andrew Wakefield is a classic example.

    However, there is such a thing as a scientific consensus, which exists across many different companies, countries and cultures. The consensus amongst those who have the time and resources to dedicate to this research is that autism is not linked to vaccines, but has a strong genetic link. I don’t understand why this consensus amongst experts in the field is given short shrift. When you’re caring for your child, isn’t expert help exactly what you need?

    In my meager spare time (meager because I’m a father of two healthy boys who between them score 13 out of a possible 14 on the recipe above), I am still plowing through the references given above re: ultrasound. The ones I have managed to access so far are ones that question the accuracy of ultrasound for dating and prediction. However, these seem irrelevant to me since they show no evidence of any harm, let alone any specific effects related to autism.

    • Andrew Wakefield is in the process of suing the people responsible for driving him out of Britain. His partner has been exonerated already. He never set out to prove that autism is caused by the MMR, he is a gastroenterologist, and found out that autistic children have active Measles virus in their gut! And not the wild kind, either, but the vaccine strain.

      ‘Scientific consensus’ that autism isn’t caused by vaccines is nonsense. EVERY SINGLE study that ‘proves’ that autism isn’t caused by vaccines was funded by the very pharmaceutical companies who manufacture those vaccines. Hardly convincing to me.

      Every independently funded study has failed to prove that vaccines are either safe or effective. Not ONE has found that vaccines prevent the diseases they’re supposed to immunize for.

      The strong genetic link only proves that some kids are more likely to suffer obvious damage from vaccines than others. Babies BORN with autism are rare (not non-existent, but very rare).

      But ALL vaccines cause brain damage of some sort or other. How can it be otherwise, when you inject viruses, toxins and foreign DNA into the bloodstream?

      Anybody who seriously believes that you can create better health by the quackery of vaccines is a brainwashed fool.

      • Re: Dr. Wakefield, who was publically discredited, yet his work has never been disproved, has published over 80 scientific papers that were *not* discredited and are cited widely to this day…only the one paper was targeted, because it called for more research into the vaccine-strain-measles-living-in-the-guts-of-autistic-children issue:

        “…Scientists who come out and publish data, that are not wanted by the government, not wanted by industry and not even wanted by Universities funded by government and industry, then those Scientists are targeted to be discredited and the weapon of choice in that battle is false allegations of research misconduct, because you can lodge those kind of allegations, get them spread around and by the time the Scientist has proven his or her innocence years down the road, their research is over with, their careers are destroyed, they can never recover from it normally….”
        Dr David Lewis National Whistleblower Center

        The media propagandization of vaccinationism is hypnotic. Remember, the people who own the media also own the pharmaceutical companies. Dr. Wakefield’s partner Dr. Walker-Smith, who was also stripped of his medical license during the same hearing, won his appeal on the grounds the GMC proceedings were conducted improperly on many counts…but that “embarrassing reversal of injustice” didn’t make the news in the US did it?

  12. Oh, and I would like to highlight that you have changed the name of the article from “7 Step Recipe for an Autistic Child”. May I ask why? Has anything else changed?

  13. the new title sits better with me. I think it’s more accurate. 🙂

    I wish every mother put more thought into everything they put into their pregnant body and every procedure they allowed.

    you know, Im a bit past 40 weeks preg now and Ive had people ask me about when Im getting induced (!) and many of them arent even aware that it’s my right to refuse induction!!!! these are young women who’ve had babies and they are unaware that they could have said no! that is frightening to think that these women believe they do not own their bodies anymore as soon as they are pregnant. SCARY!

    on an aside, I wonder what they’d say if they knew the list of things Ive refused in the last few months! lol

    • You’re absolutely right! I am continually surprised to discover that every woman I know in my personal life seems to have the same thought (or lack of thought!) process about their pregnancies. It’s amazing what sheep we humans can become. Turn off our brains, trust the “experts”, and assume that we have no control over our own bodies. Most women I know don’t recognize that they have any choice at all! They don’t even seem to know that they can say NO!

    • Good for you! I know a young woman who got induced and ended up (predictably) with a C-section, for ‘failure to progress”. She is still convinced that the C-section was actually necessary!

      My daughter-in-law just said, when asked what day she’d like to choose to have her baby, “The baby will decide when it is ready”, and that was that.

      Here in Canada the midwifes HAVE to ask that question now, or they might lose their license. And they’re not allowed to tell the expectant mother that she can refuse, either. But they’re very happy when they get mothers that do refuse!

      By the way, the ONLY thing I object in your above list is, that you think a high fat diet is bad. Hydrogenated fats are deadly. But saturated fat is NEEDED to help build the baby! Not to mention that your heart runs on saturated fats.

    • I had no idea that you could refuse induction when I went into labor. I don’t think I really even understood what induction was. I trusted the nurses and doctors and let them do their job. It would never have crossed my mind that they would do anything to put me or my child in harms way. I didn’t really feel the need to be suspicious or question them about what they were doing. It was only after having my child that I got nervous about everything and started searching the internet about every little thing. So, it definitely happens bc it happened to me. I also had ultrasounds, ate unhealthy throughout the pregnancy, was induced, had an epidural and pain meds, let baby get vaccinated, and had to supplement my breast milk with formula bc baby was underweight….. I think I was one short of hitting all seven. Scary. Luckily I have one healthy awesome little boy. This kind of information is the kind that you have to actually scour the internet for. I knew nothing about any of this prior to massive amounts of time spent searching the internet. And I never sat around searching the internet for anything b4 I had my child. Now I tend to question just about everything… and it is very stressful.

  14. Amy, I am happy that people have a choice to refuse specific medical interventions, and that you are doing well with your pregnancy. (Congratulations, by the way.)

    I am less happy with scaremongering about treatments and procedures that appear to be very safe and have few side effects.

    I am very unhappy with the continuing myth (debunked again and again) that vaccines cause more harm to children than the diseases they prevent, and that the best people to advise on this issue are celebrities rather than the wide consensus of medical experts across different countries and cultures.

    Vaccination is also important to invoke herd immunity, to protect those that cannot yet be immunized. The highest profile victim of the lack of herd immunity caused by the anti-vax movement is Dana Elizabeth McCaffery, a four-week old baby who died a terrible and entirely preventable death due to pertussis in Australia.

    • What nonsense! The incidence of measles has increased dramatically lately thanks to vaccination, actually. There have been school outbreaks were 100% of the kids that got sick were fully vaccinated for whooping cough (and the same goes for measles and mumps outbreaks).

      Yes, there will always be some kids (very rare) who will die of whooping cough. But at the same time, the vaccine has caused a LOT more deaths than the disease itself. Nearly all SIDS cases are caused especially by the whooping cough vaccine! And yes, that HAS been scientifically proven.

      And herd immunity can only be achieved by people actually having had the disease, NEVER by vaccines. That is a total myth.


      Your so-called medical experts are people directly in the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies. And scientist who has investigated vaccines who was funded independently has found that vaccines DO NOT prevent ANY illness. Not one has been proven safe or effective. Not even the smallpox or polio vaccines! In fact, the horrible polio outbreaks in India and other developing countries are caused DIRECTLY by vaccination campaigns.

  15. you know, sean I actually agree with you about the vaccine thing. Ive fully vaccinated my kids and I see it as safe. I know lots of people disagree with me, but I feel very much more comfortable with the pro vaccine propaganda than the anti vaccine propaganda! when it comes to doing vaccine research I have found it hard to sort out the blatant lies from the facts. therefore, I just go with what my gut tells me. anyway, I agree with you on that one just so you know.

    but as far as the other things, they are not really harmless.

    the ultrasound hasnt been proven SAFE, and it’s quite unnecessary, especially for the “routine screening”. I chose not to have one not because Im convinced that it will harm my baby (although that is very possible…just unknown)but because I think it’s an invasion of my baby’s privacy and sacred space inside me. also, I think that in most cases the diagnoses that could be made from ultrasound would not be useful or result in better care for me and baby. I would not under any circumstance abort my child, so its really not useful for me to know in advance of hte birth if they have some kind of horrible genetic problem.

    my best friend had a child stillborn last january, and the baby’s problem was diagnosed via ultrasound and amniocentesis in november. there was absolutely nothing they could do to improve the baby’s chances (as is the case almost all of the time) and so she spent the last months of her pregnancy as a complete wreck. I think that kind of stress has a bad effect on an already delicate baby, and I decided then that I would not even want to know if it were my child. knowing in advance didnt make it any easier for her! you can ask her, she’ll tell you that.

    anyway, ultrasounds to me = potentially harmful, definitely invasive and useless. I wont be having any, thanks.

    actually Im pretty sure that even the ACOG doesnt recommend routine screening ultrasounds the way they use them. correct me if Im wrong.

  16. My personal opinions on the questions raised in the link above…

    “Why is it so important that Dr. Wakefield is seen to be discredited?”

    Because he is spreading dangerous misinformation.

    “Whom is it important to?”

    People who believe that public health (and especially the health of children) is important.

    “Who stands to gain from this?”

    Children who will no longer be at risk from serious childhood disease.

    “Who will lose out if the truth is revealed?”

    Dr Wakefield, and the anti-vaccination movement.

    “What is it that people are so frightened of?”

    A lack of herd immunity, putting their children at risk before they can be vaccinated.

    “What is it they don’t want us to know?”

    Dangerous misinformation?

    Anyway, all of this is a red herring. Regardless of this one person, Dr Wakefield, there have been many studies that show no link between autism and vaccines.

  17. http://www.14studies.org/

    By reading and analyzing every published study used to “prove” vaccines do not cause autism, this website will show you that:

    – No real world studies of the vaccine schedule have ever been done. Of the 11 separate vaccines given to American children (many given multiple times), only one vaccine — the MMR — has ever been studied for its relationship to autism. Yet, American children get 6 or 7 different vaccines simultaneously at 2, 4, 6, and 12 month doctor appointments.

    – Not one study compares vaccinated children to unvaccinated children — every study only looks at children who have received vaccines. This is like comparing smokers who smoke one pack a day to those who smoke two packs a day, seeing no difference in cancer rates, and saying cigarettes don’t cause cancer.

    – The studies are rife with conflicts including authors who have been paid by vaccine companies and federal agencies and foreign governments charged with administering vaccines.

    – Many of the studies reach false conclusions or conclusions that have nothing to do with the simple question: do vaccines cause autism? They are simply being misrepresented in the press by public health officials taking advantage of a docile media that is heavily dependent on advertising from pharma companies.

    • Excellent reference. Higgins’ ‘Horrors of Vaccination Exposed & Illustrated’ was written in 1920, Creighton wrote warnings for the encyclopedia well before that:
      “1886 Dr. Creighton, one of the most learned medical scholars of the nineteenth century who wrote The History of Epidemics informed the Royal Commission that when he was commissioned by them to write the article on vaccination in the Encyclopedia Britannica
      regarding Jenner’s contribution, “that he had no doubt about the value of vaccination, that it never occurred to him to question the thing at all, and that he took it as one of the things he had been taught as a student.” He left the Commission in no doubt as to the
      result of his studies in preparation for writing the piece: “In my opinion,” Dr. Creighton said, “based on an extended study of the original data, [I conclude that] Jenner’s work was incorrect, and that cowpox was not, as Jenner stated, ‘Variola Vaccinse,’ and
      cowpox has nothing to do with variola and was not a protective against variola, and vaccination affords no protection against smallpox.” (How to Predict Epidemics; Maniotis http://ynpxtpnb.apollohosting.com/ddponline.org/epidemics.pdf )
      In 1900, JDRockefeller bought the Encyclopedia Britanica and had all derrogatory vaccination facts expunged (ibid)…he also went on to commission the Flexner Report,and proceeded to invest in the pharmaceutical industry (and a bit later in IG Farben also), fund schools that agreed to teach allopathy exclusively, and build his research foundation. His business axiom was “competition is a sin”, and robust health was competition for his business investments. That the US is both the sickest and most heavily medicated population on planet Earth is the direct and long-term result of his “philanthropic investments”. History is rampant with vaccination lack of transparency if one only will look at it.

  18. Pingback: Where to Begin? « Life With my Kids

  19. Pingback: Discussing Autism Prevention: Where to Begin? « Life With my Kids

  20. Don’t forget to circumcise your son to really scramble his developing brain. Circumcision spikes cortisol levels that never return to normal, and has been repeatedly shown to negatively impact parent-child bonding, breastfeeding and future pain responses.

    I’m not anti-vax, but I’m careful about the number, type and content of immunizations. The current “required” roster of vaccinations is clearly overboard.

  21. Re: the poster that is suggesting unvaccinated individuals are responsible for the fatal case of pertussis in an infant… A baby is just as likely, if not more likely to contract pertussis from someone who is vaccinated. There are many, many cases of pertussis in vaccinated individuals, because the vaccine is not completely effective and also the immunity wears off over time. What often happens is that the vaccinated person, often an adolescent or adult, contracts pertussis but does not have the characteristic symptoms and goes undiagnosed but is quite able to spread the disease. An unvaccinated individual is more likely to seek treatment and be diagnosed. If the diagnosis is made more quickly, antibiotic treatment can be given which reduces the spread of the disease.

  22. I have to say that I disagree with many of the “steps” written. I had several ultrasounds with my son due to bleeding at first, and then after due to a cord insertion problem. Without these, we wouldn’t have known the cord was not inserted properly (it inserted into the membranes of the placenta). During labour, we wouldn’t have been as careful about monitoring my son’s heart rate (the cord could have detached during a contraction). I ended up delivering with the help of *gasp* an epidural, pitocin (which I DID NOT want, but didn’t realize they gave it to me when they gave me the epi), and forceps since I had pushed for 2 1/2 hours and he wasn’t staying past my pelvic bone. Oh, and I have vaccinated him on schedule so far. Both my husband and I work with kids with Autism and have done much research on it. Nobody knows exactly what is the cause and really it could be any combination of things. I think Autism is just diagnosed more often today than it was. Remember, Albert Einstein most likely would be diagnosed with autism today!

    • one of my twins had a velamentous cord insertion. I happily had them at home and after looking at the research I would do everything the same. And still with her lousy cord attachment (and I have pics that shows her cord vessels BARELY attached to the membrane) her cord didn’t come unattached, instead she pulled the whole fused placenta of theirs out right after her head came out (she was double footling breech to boot)

      you, my dear, got luckier than me I think, because of the pit, because of the forceps that end up yanking with more force than gravity allowing it to just do what it needed as in my case. (I was squatting when she came out feet first onto the blanket in my bathroom that I formed into a nest in my otherworldly state)

      She also got all her cord/placenta blood and severely increased her chances of survival with the oxygen and iron that was included in that. She even cried when I later cut her cord, signalling to me it was still too soon to make her give up her lifeline even though she nursed wonderfully at my breasts.

      I had contractions with them for 12 hours!! a contraction isn’t going to do that.. not natural ones anyway. A body does what’s best for mom and baby no matter what but it only can if it isn’t interfered with.

      • When my first was born, it was discovered that she had a velamentous cord insertion. I had 3 ultrasounds (gulp) during that pregnancy. (12, 20 and 22 weeks)…they never noticed.

        She was born el naturale, into the water.

    • Dental amalgam fillings in mother’s mouth during gestation have also been shown to expose babies to mercury in utero. Mercury & toxic vaccines are not the only cause of autism…they are a major cause. Regrettably, there is a list of harmful exposures; there are as many ways to damage a developing brain as to break bones….the most common ones cause damage the most often.

  23. Herd immunity is not from vaccines, but is from natural immunity. You can’t have herd immunity unless about 60% of people are unvaccinated.

    And they have never done a study with vaccinated and unvaccinated, because it isn’t a good thing to deny a child the “protection” from the vaccine. Otherwise they would learn quickly, that unvaccinated children are far healthier than the vaccinated kids, which are spreading the diseases they are “protected” against.

  24. Not sure who Wakefield is or a lot of the other stuff that was stated, but I myself have 3 children- 2 of which have had vaccine reactions. The youngest has not had been vaccinated. I am very comfortable that for *my family* vaccines are not safe, and am more comfortable letting the body deal with the disease. I have only done a small amount of research about the vaccines, (the cdc and a few other sites), and I like many others did not know what was in them before they were given. I just went along with it because the doctors said it was what was needed.

  25. No interventions of any kind here (ultrasounds (firstborn did get 2, but next 2 babies had none), induction, hospital birth, pain meds, forced births, circumcision, vaccines, formula, etc., and our children are very healthy. I do think much of the autism epidemic is caused and/or triggered by the many, many chemicals and everything artificial that babies (unborn and born) and children are exposed to. We are not designed to be able to process all these artificial substances. Babies may be able to safely deal with some, but the onslaught of so many can cause permanent damage. Artificial sweeteners and additives like MSG, etc consumed during pregnancy also adversely affect the baby’s brain. There is just so much stacked against babies in today’s world. There is also cleaning supplies, chemicals in conventional toiletries (including baby soaps), pesticides, fluoride in water, microwave radiation, heavy metals in vaccines, molds, etc that may be present in the home, chemical off-gassing from new mattresses, plastics, materials, etc and the list goes on. We are already saturated in artificial chemicals, then we subject tiny babies to so much more.

    That said, I think we should present information in a non-threatening way. Most parents dearly love their children and do not realize that so many “normal” things are dangerous. Many parents of damaged children also do not realize that it is possible to bring some healing to the child through food and detoxification. Feeding chemical laden food to children can make symptoms worse. I know some have a genetic form of autism, but much of what we see today is not genetic (in my opinion), but caused by outside factors and probably a combination of factors.

    I’m not trying to upset anyone, just sharing my thoughts. I attempt to protect myself and children as much as possible from the chemicals everywhere. Everyone has to do their own research and make their own decisions.

  26. My problem isn’t with what you’ve said I agree with most, if not all of the things you listed. My problem is how you’ve said it.
    As much as I would like to scream “Are you crazy!” in the face of many friends, I know that would do no good. They would shut down and automatically dismiss anything I said to them.
    There has to be a better way to educate people who are not inclined to consider anything unconventional. I realize that most people don’t research things until after something bad has happened to them, and that needs to change. But there is such a fine line between getting someones attention and turning them off to what your saying.
    People are sooo sensitive about these kinds of issues they seem to prefer being clueless over being educated…..
    My point is we NEED to educate people but we can’t do that if they won’t listen!

  27. I work at a free clinic providing pregnancy testing, vitamins, ultrasounds and education to women who need assistance accessing the Medicare system. (they need proof of pregnancy before insurance or government programs will cover them). I understand the risks of ultrasound and believe ALARA is the way to go. However, I have also seen the benefits of an ultrasound 1.)to a woman who has no attachment to her pregnancy, 2.) to her partner who is non-supportive and 3.)to her family to help them bond and then be supportive of her.
    I work with women who are completely dependant upon the health care system, not taking charge of their own health including no understanding of their own fertility cycles. The ultrasound can ‘date’ a pregnancy when she has no idea what her LMP is. It also makes the baby a reality which in turn motivates her to make life style changes – diet, smoking cessation, substance abuse, stress, seeking supportive friends and family members, etc – that support her pregnancy in a positive way.
    My point is – for many women pregnancy is a consequence of behaviour, not a choice or even an expression of their ‘woman-ness’. If the ultrasounds opens the door to the wonder of her body and her baby, I say use it.
    A side note, I am old enough to remember people crippled by polio, using leg braces and crutches. Vaccines are a useful tool in the prevention of dangerous childhood diseases. That being said, we are giving WAY too many vaccines to children. I think there is a common sense vaccine schedule that provides protection without overkill. I mean, how many infants are IV drug users or sexually active and need a Hep B vaccine at 2 days of age? That’s crazy! Those poor little livers trying to process all that junk. HiB, HPV vaccines, etc. Dr. Sears has a good schedule that eliminates most and separates other multivariant vaccines. (I think I spelled that right.)

  28. Bravo! This is exceptional information. Women need to know about the things! I would like to add that repeated speculum exams are also very dangerous. Metal speculums are autoclaved between uses, and the repeated exposure to excessive heat and the delta rays of the autoclave cause the stainless steel to degrade. This degradation is invisible to the naked eye, but when the degraded steel contacts the acidic vaginal secretions, small dense clouds of mercury vapor can be released. This has direct toxic effects throughout the reproductive tract, especially on the eggs. It leads to many congenital conditions. It also causes reproductive cancers, like cervical cancer. Of course, these problems are bug business for obstetricians, which is why they ignore these FACTS.

  29. Bravo Ulrike! You can never be too careful. Pap Smears are over rated anyway and most people under 40 don’t need them. Why would you want to know if you have cervical dsyplacia anyway? It’s just going to make them give you a LEEP and then your cervix won’t open proper when the time comes for you to birth! Cancerous cells come and go and are a variation of normal.

  30. OK, I will give you number 2 and number 6 as being better choices, but the rest of your steps really are dangerous misinformation. I am the father of 2 perfectly healthy children, both of whom were delivered by c-section, and bothnof whom have been vaccinated. If my wife and I have learned anything through her 2 pregnancies, it is what a complete load of crap “natural birthing” is. We fired our useless, incompetent midwife shortly after our daughter was born, and went with a maternity doctor for the 2nd child. What a difference! No more scare-mongering, and it quickly became apparent why the mortality rate for both mothers and babies is now much lower than in the past. My wife reached nearly 43 weeks in her first pregnancy before induction was attempted, and after her eventual emergency c-section it became apparent that if she had tried a home or even a natural birth they both would likely have died. So my advice to everyone is to talk to someone who went to medical school – not all doctors are perfect, but at least they are DOCTORS.

  31. I’ve added this to the original post as an update but will put it here as a comment in case some of you want to be alerted:

    J Atten Disord. 2011 Jul;15(5):423-31. Epub 2011 Apr 28.
    Perinatal pitocin as an early ADHD biomarker: neurodevelopmental risk?
    Kurth L, Haussmann R.

    Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA. Lisa.Kurth@ColoState.edu.

    Objective: To investigate a potential relationship between coincidental increases in perinatal Pitocin usage and subsequent childhood ADHD onset in an attempt to isolate a specific risk factor as an early biomarker of this neurodevelopmental disorder. Method: Maternal labor/delivery and corresponding childbirth records of 172 regionally diverse, heterogeneous children, ages 3 to 25, were examined with respect to 21 potential predictors of later ADHD onset, including 17 selected obstetric complications, familial ADHD incidence, and gender. ADHD diagnosis and history of perinatal Pitocin exposure distinguished groups for comparison. Results: Results revealed a strong predictive relationship between perinatal Pitocin exposure and subsequent childhood ADHD onset (occurring in 67.1% of perinatal Pitocin cases vs. 35.6% in nonexposure cases, χ(2) = 16.99, p < .001). Fetal exposure time, gestation length, and labor length also demonstrated predictive power, albeit significantly lower. Conclusion: The findings warrant further investigation into the potential link between perinatal Pitocin exposure and subsequent ADHD diagnosis. PMID: 21527574 [PubMed - in process]

  32. Regarding the June 7 2011 update about the use of pitocin and its relationship to the development of ADHD:
    In 1977 I had the pleasure of picking Doris Haire up at the airport to drive her to a LLL of NY conference. She was observing my 3 yr old son with his running jumping squirmy wormy behavior and asked me if i had pitocin during labor which of course, i had. She told me back then that there was definitely a relationship between augmentation and hyper kids.

  33. I have a few points I would like to add.
    1. It hard to find a “source” or “research” that everyone can trust. I personally have an issue trusting “research” that is funded/sponsored but the companies that are being researched. That what makes it so hard to find REAL research. Who would dare post articles against some of the most power companies?
    2. I would HATE to blame any mom for anything that happens to her baby BUT she does have MUCH more control than anyone else. IF she doesn’t research and at least try her best then, she is too blame. BUT, I am not a flawless mother, I almost killed my second son with a MMR vaccine. I did know because I never took the time to read.
    3. We may not know for SURE what causes autism BUT we know for that there are certain populations in North America that have a ZERO % rate of autism, ZERO % of SIDS, ZERO % “Shaken baby syndrome, and a ZERO % rate of ADHD. These just happen to be the same populations that DO NOT vaccinate, they do NOT allow ultrasounds, they do NOT eat fast food (maybe once in a great while). Basically they believe just what the list says. These groups include Amish, Mennonite, and a few other more traditional communities. Personally, I want be apart of that ZERO %.
    4. Families like mine who follow that list do NOT have these issues. I am part of several HUGE communities (homeschooling and Catholic moms) that believe this list and we do NOT have these issues. There are a few of us with Autistic children BUT 100% of those autistic children were vaccinated before the mother knew better. Like I said in the beginning I did vaccinate my first son and started to vaccinate my second some when he fell very ill. The next 4 kids have ZERO vaccines.

    Just my thoughts.

  34. Remember, there are no drugs known safe in pregnancy. Certainly some drugs may be safer than others, but the fetus is a tiny, vulnerable person. Exposure to Pitocin, epidurals, ultrasounds will pose some risks. To argue otherwise, is not medically or scientifically accurate. Of course, there will always be women who have complications that require medical interventions, however the majority of women will benefit from a “Wellness Approach” to pregnacy. Accepting pregnancy as a normal, healthy experience, unless proven otherwise. Eating well, exercising, and positive childbirth education will provide better outcomes than all the medicine pharmaceutical companies can produce.
    Re: Autism, read “The Hidden Toll of Traffic Jams” The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 8, 2011. “Scientists Increasingly Link Vehicle Exhaust With Brain-Cell Damage, Higher Rates of Autism.

  35. Wow, this was very informative – I didn’t know that so many things could go wrong during pregnancy from things doctors would say are safe! I’ll have to keep all this in mind until when I’m older. Thanks for sharing what you know!

  36. Another good article that shows that there is no such a thing as herd immunity from vaccinations:


    An excerpt:

    “According to Archives of Disease in Childhood, vol. 59, no. 2, February 1984, pp. 162-5): ‘Severity of whooping cough in England before and after the decline in pertussis immunisation’, “Since the decline of pertussis immunisation, hospital admission and death rates from whooping cough have fallen unexpectedly… The severity of attacks and the complication rates in children [who were] admitted to hospital were virtually unchanged. – i.e. hospital admissions and death rates reduced when people WEREN’T getting vaccinated, meaning that avoiding shots is actually good for your child’s health and may save his life, and in those cases which were admitted to hospital, there were no increased complications in the unvaccinated group. Basically, at best the shots don’t make a difference and at worse, they kill or disable. “

  37. Thank you for maintaining yourself in face of the massive encroachment and the mysterious sheeple dogs that support the encroachment.

    From another angle, Caroline Rodgers investigates the repression of ultrasound studies, etc., in a conversation with Seth Roberts, Ph.D.

    The Yale Univ study on ultrasound (2006), you and Rodgers refer, is slam-dunk, a mouse model of human fetal ultrasound exposure, yet severely downplayed by its lead researcher, on NPR (radio), etc. He (Rakic) thereafter received a $1 million dollar funding prize for research, the “New Nobel”. He now quite famous, and he doesn’t even list the word “ultrasound” in his bio at Yale, his list of publications, or on Wikipedia.

    Confirm what I’m seeing here:

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