2010 Gay Pride Parade, San Francisco

IMG_2055, originally uploaded by endenizen.

Intactivists turn out to take the genital integrity message to the streets. More than a million people watch the S F Gay Pride Parade so it’s a chance to get the message out loud and clear. Thanks to all the marchers and sign creators. Speaking up for baby boys who can’t speak for themselves—the work of decent people.

4 thoughts on “2010 Gay Pride Parade, San Francisco

  1. Aren’t they great, Janet? Those folks in San Francisco have a real presence in the parade and they turn out loud and strong every year. I could squeeze them.

  2. Thanks for sharing the photos. Each year the crowd is more supportive of our message. This year many young women all along the parade route enthusiastically cheered as we marched by them. It was clear from their response that they like men with intact foreskins.

  3. My postpartum hormones must not have settled down yet… these pics make me teary. I’m so glad that I understood this issue fully *before* my baby boy was born. 🙂

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