A Chanukah Blessing for Raquel & Jacob

Raquel Lazar Paley and I have worked together for the past two years.  After I spoke at the ICAN Conference in San Diego, CA, she invited me to put together a program to teach online at ConsciousWoman.  She has just had her first homebirth and she sent out this announcement and photos today.  I’m so proud of Raquel and Jacob and so glad that we met.  .  .  as our mutual friend, Nancy Wainer Cohen, said it was nice that Raquel had a birth with “no shenanigans”. 



We are pleased to announce the newest addition to our family,

“strength” “happiness”

Born into his father’s loving hands on December 22, 2008 at 10:17 p.m.

Weight: 7 pounds
Length: 19 inches
Head Circ: 14 inches
Most Importantly: nursing like a champ

* Raquel’s second VBAC and first homebirth *

Big sisters Amelia and Sofie are thrilled with their little brother, and mom is thriving as all (new) mothers should.

Gabriel Asher will be the first male child in our longstanding Jewish family tradition to remain intact.


A special thanks to Gloria Lemay for her phenomenal care during the labor, delivery and postpartum, and to our local backup midwife Kristine Lauria for her support and encouragement while Gloria was on her way to Colorado.

Happy (Belated) Holidays
Happy New Year!

3 thoughts on “A Chanukah Blessing for Raquel & Jacob

  1. I was so thrilled for Raquel and her family, and cried when I read this birth announcement. Raquel is simply glowing in this photo!! I’m so proud of her. Thank you for helping Raquel to believe in herself! I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to see you when you were in town, but I’m sure our paths will cross again soon. Happy New Year!

  2. Hi Laura, sorry I missed you, too, but it was a hectic time of year. These lovely, peaceful events renew our souls and make us all feel like maybe we’re getting somewhere after all, don’t they?

    Happy New Year, Love G

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